Sunday, 5 December 2010


We arrived in Arequipa at about 10am and managed to get a taxi to our hostel which was very nice with 3 little beds in a row. We had a little rest after traveling all night and then went to have a walk round town and have some lunch looking over the square.

We visited the Santa Catalina Monastry where there was one particular scary nun in her room... or cell. (She is not real):

We went out to an Irish pub for a few Pisco Sours that evening and didn´t get home until late! The next day Beth and I went to the market and then we decided to save a bit of money and cook our food in our hostel in the evening:

We also cuaght a glimse of Father Christmas that evening outside Cusco Coffee!


  1. Arequipa Arequipa Arepuipa!!!
    Arequipa Arequipa Arepuipa!!!
    Arequipa Arequipa Arepuipa!!!
    Is this annoying yet?! :)

  2. Ha! Good one! You'll be pleased to know they don't shout and beep half as much in Chile as peru! :)
